97 | Get A Black Belt In Content Strategy w/ The Content Visionary, Yakup Ozkardes-Cheung
Yakup Ozkardes-Chung understands the psychological effects and strategies of content on a level that makes me feel like we're long
Yakup Ozkardes-Chung understands the psychological effects and strategies of content on a level that makes me feel like we're long
Steve Maly is officially an OG of marketing strategy and tactics. He runs Maly Marketing and speaks at conferences throughout
This guy is just THE GREATEST. Scott Ferguson is the host of the Time To Shine Today Podcast. His mission
Ahad Ghadimi and I got introduced by the Catholic Jay Shetty, Brian Bachand (GREAT two part episode) and he's a
Steven Eugene Kuhn is a guy unlike anyone I've ever met. He has 1. Lead soldiers on the battlefield2. Turned
Paul Hevesy was introduced to me by a guy I really admire. He has worked his way up to Stanley
Retired Navy Captain Rick Hoffman, Owner and CEO of Orion Solutions and active member of the Jacksonville community. Recently, Captain
Donnie Boivin is 20-year sales guy that got tired of making everyone else wealthy. He started his business and ran
Dov Gordon helps consultants get ideal clients by becoming “under-the-radar” leaders in their industry. I heard him on 2-time CEC