Flywheel Bootcamp
The playbook that created a $40M revenue community with a podcast
but get our $100 content repurposing cheat sheet (free for a limited time) now and you’ll be the first to find out about the next bootcamp
The Entire Playbook for Our
$102k/Year Service For
<!--$1,497 $997--> $1,497
The Relationship Flywheel is a way to create a podcast that drives revenue for your business, and it’s been proven to work, but until now, it’s been too hard for you to invest in it.
That’s why we decided to make it as easy and as cheap as possible for YOU to understand it, implement it yourself, and grow your business.
Relationship Flywheel Bootcamp
But we are getting ready for the next one.
START HERE – Quick Intro
Why Would We Teach You Something We Charge $100k+ To Do, For Less Than $1,000???
WHAT YOU’LL LEARN- Creating and Launching Your Show
WHAT YOU’LL LEARN Show Production
WHAT YOU’LL LEARN- Distributing Content, Building Community, and Growth
DELIVERABLES and why you’ll ACTUALLY succeed in this course when others have failed you.
Why would you give away your $102k/year
cash cow for practically nothing?
Multiple reasons:
To learn, one must teach! We’ve worked hard to incorporate our lessons from onboarding clients into a training for our clients that will ensure long term success and scale for us. Teaching you it will help us really WOW our next round of $100k clients.
What is this for?
If you’ve been wanting to launch a podcast
or already have one, but it’s not leading to revenue, this is for you
If you want to host virtual events
but don’t know where to start, this is for you
If you want to build a community
but don’t have time to dedicate yourself solely to community building, this is for you
If you want to show up on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter every day
but struggle making daily content that isn’t cheesy, this is for you
If you want to start a YouTube channel, or have a YouTube channel
but making weekly videos has been challenging, this is for you
If you want to host a series of webinars
but freaking hate hosting webinars, this is for you
The Relationship Flywheel is a process to build an online go to market strategy that attracts prospects, turns leads into clients, increases the lifetime value of existing clients, and builds an army of brand ambassadors who reduce your cost of acquisition.
Who is this for?
- This process has worked for everyone from $150M service companies to solopreneurs to nonprofits to tech companies
- This process has worked for the real estate, construction, legal, coaching, education tech, healthcare, and telecommunications industries (so far)
- If you think spending more time with your prospects and clients would grow your business, but don’t have the time to do it, this is how you do that.
- If you think you have a great culture, but haven’t found the right way to market that, this process will shine a light on your great team.
- If you’re a CEO, CMO, VP of marketing, VP of sales, CRO, or CGO that is looking to get alignment between marketing and sales, this will be a great vehicle.
What are you going to learn?
- How to create a show that actually leads to business growth
- How to efficiently run a show without overwhelming yourself or your team
- How to make a show educational, inspirational, and entertaining for your market
- How to get found so the right people show up, listen, and watch
- How to build a community through the show that will turn into your greatest asset
- How to drive engagement in your community
What’s included in this course?
The Course
4 live cohort workshops to teach and help you implement your strategy as you learn it
The Materials
Our frameworks, templates, and SOP’s for each critical element of the strategy that you can use for yourself forever
The Community
A Facebook group with others just like you learning and applying the same concepts for their business
Office Hours
Weekly time slots where you can get advice from our executive to help you connect the dots with your specific situation
When will it take place?
What’s up with the BUY NOW FOR $XXX?
Come on… we’re marketers. We know scarcity sells. We also know it’s a ridiculously good deal to buy something that we do for $100k+ per year for a fraction of the price. So we sold the first cohort for $200-500, the next one for $500-800, the next one for $800-1K, and we keep hearing from everyone that we are under pricing it. At some point, we’ll sell this in perpetuity between $2,500- 5,000. So go ahead and strike when the iron is hot. It’ll never be hotter.